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Tag: entrepreneurship

Sep 10
Signs that Prove you Might be an Entrepreneur?

Whether you're a recent graduate, an ambitious professional looking to make a change in your career, or someone who is simply looking for more flexibility and control over your life, becoming an entrepreneur can be a great way to achieve these goals. If you're ready to take the leap and start working towards building your own business, then there's no doubt that you have what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur. After all, entrepreneurship requires passion, drive, determination, and resilience - qualities that most successful entrepreneurs share. So if you…

Aug 21
Business Ideas for Kids: Sparking Your Child’s Entrepreneurial Spirit

How to help your child develop their entrepreneurial spirit. One way to do this is by encouraging them to start their own business. There are many different businesses a child can start, and the best part is that they can be as creative as they want! Here are some ideas to get your child started.